National Association of hispanic county officials (NAHCO)
As a county official, you, more than any other official in the chain of government, have the most direct contact with the people you represent. You touch the daily lives of your constituents. You are truly the “front line” of public service.
In a world of constant change, in a society growing more complex day by day, the tasks and ideals you were elected to advance often become difficult and assume added importance for the people you represent.
A cornerstone of NAHCO is to provide you with additional resources to increase your effectiveness in governing and to help you communicate the viable message of the Hispanic community.
The main strength of NAHCO rests not in the services it provides and the goals it seeks to accomplish, but in the quality, talent, and commitment of the men and women within our membership.
NAHCO is an important catalyst for conveying the Hispanic viewpoint of inclusion from those who are elected to public office locally to those who are responsible for policy at the state and National level.
United in common causes of agreement, NAHCO has the potential to be a powerful political lobby.Type your paragraph here.
Our goal is to encourage Hispanic County Officials to participate in a united National effort, advocating for the communities they serve and strengthen our political effect.